Key Management

Mr Peter Harding-Smith

Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

Mr Harding-Smith has more than 30 years’ experience in the accountancy profession.  Mr Harding-Smith has extensive experience in all aspects of company financial reporting, corporate regulatory and governance areas, business acquisition and disposal due diligence, capital raising, company initial public offerings and company secretarial responsibilities and has served as CFO and/or Company Secretary of several Australian public companies.

 Mr Harding-Smith is currently the CFO and Company Secretary for Litchfield Minerals Limited (ASX:LMS) and was CFO and Company Secretary for Orbis Gold Ltd (ASX:OBS), Metro Mining Limited (ASX:MMI), as well as a number of other junior ASX listed entities. Mr Harding-Smith is a Chartered Accountant and a fellow of FINSIA and Governance Institute, with significant experience as a public company CFO and Company Secretary, focused on finance, administration and governance roles.