Oasis Project
EPM 27565
Oasis was discovered during the 1970s uranium exploration push by International companies , most notably Esso whose subsequent work (1977-1979) defined high priority targets with only the Oasis deposit drill tested to date
Oasis occurs along a structure associated with a major crustal terrane boundary. (Lynd Mylonite Zone). The metamorphic host rocks, voluminous granite and leucogranite and deformation history share many of the characteristics that can be interpreted as Intrusive (Alaskite) style of uranium mineralisation . This is an exciting possibility, if further exploration continues to strengthen the analogy with world class uranium mines like the Rossing, Namibia.

Project Geology and Mineralisation

Geology within EPM 27565 is dominated by structurally complex mixture of intrusive granitic and metamorphic rocks of Proterozoic, , Ordovician and Silurian Age with recent age dating of uraninite from the Oasis deposit recording a Silurian age. The Lynd Mylonite Zone is a dominant structural feature which strikes north north-east through the centre of the exploration permit. Multiple faults and fractures splaying off the western side of the mylonite appear to control the distribution of extensive zones of uranium anomalism including the Oasis deposit. The granitic-metamorphic terrane hosting the uranium mineralisation is bounded 10km’s to the east by the Far East Mylonite Zone which strikes parallel to the Lynd Mylonite Zone.

Nine priority targets have been identified based on elevated radiometrics coincident with structural corridors. Note: Target A is a discrete, intense U anomaly which encompasses the Oasis uranium deposit.
Mineralisation at Oasis is hosted by a quartz chlorite biotite schistose shear zones, with country rocks dominated by metamorphic host rocks, calc silicates and voluminous granite/ leucogranite. It was noted that these host rocks and deformation history share many of the characteristics that can be interpreted as Intrusive (Alaskite) style of uranium mineralisation . Further exploration is planned to strengthen this analogy as world class uranium mines like Rossing, Namibia are of the Intrusive (Alaskite) type which are generally large moderate grade deposits hosting approximately 10% of global uranium reserves.
Proposed Exploration Program
Greenvale proposes an aggressive 2025 exploration program at Oasis with the goal of bringing known and extended mineralisation at Oasis to JORC 2012 resource status. This is to be done in three stages:
- Geochemical testing of entire Oasis shear which extends under cover for 1.5kms north of identified mineralisation by track etch technique (radon gas cupping, emanometry) and geological prospecting.
- Geochemical testing of 8 priority coincident radiometric/structural anomalies by track etch technique in conjunction with geological prospecting and follow up drilling of identified targets.
- Ground truthing and detailed mapping of all undercover structural splays emanating from the Lynd Mylonite zone where radiometrics don’t work and geochemical testing of identified splays with track etch technique.